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Uzņēmums LWT Trading UK Ltd tika dibināts 2013. gada decembrī, lai uzņemtos Latvian Welfare Trust komercdarbību. The company LWT Trading UK Ltd was established in December 2013 in order to manage the commercial activities of the Latvian Welfare Trust .

Uzņēmums LWT Trading UK Ltd tika dibināts 2013. gada decembrī, lai uzņemtos Latvian Welfare Trust komercdarbību, ar ko labdarības organizācija pati likumīgi nedrīkst nodarboties. LWT (DVF) valde ievēl uz trīs gadu termiņu trīs direktorus, kam būs atbildība par LWT komercdarbību Lielbritanijā, izmantojot iespējas Londonas namos un lauku īpašumā „Straumēni”. Esošiem direktoriem trīs gadu termiņš notek šī gada martā un viņi atkāpjas no amata ar tiesībām būt pārvēlētiem. Sludinājums seko angļu valodā, pēc Anglijas likumu noteikumiem.

 The company LWT Trading UK Ltd was established in December 2013 in order to manage the commercial activities of the Latvian Welfare Trust in which, as a registered charity, it could not itself legally engage.  The three year term of office for the current directors ends in March and the Trustees of the LWT (DVF National Executive) are seeking to elect three directors to serve for a period of three years from March 2020.  They will be responsible for the commercial activities of the LWT (DVF) in Great Britain, exploiting the facilities available in its London property and its country estate „Straumēni”.

 The Trustees of the LWT (DVF National Executive) invite those, who are both interested and competent to undertake the role of a director in this company, to submit in English their CV and their vision of the company’s future no later than 21st February, 2020.  Current directors are eligible to seek re-election if they wish. This should be sent to Aivars Sinka by post to the address „Straumēni”, Catthorpe Manor, Lilbourne Road, Catthorpe, Leics LE17 6DF or by email to priekssedis@daugavasvanagi.co.uk.

 It is recommended that candidates have business experience and an awareness of financial accounts, budgeting, marketing, human resource issues and management.  A good command of English is desirable as well as an understanding of Directors’ responsibilities under English Law.  The Director’s appointment is not a full-time role and Directors’ meetings take place about every six weeks in London or „Straumēni”, often during the working week.  In between, it may be necessary to visit one or other of the properties.

 Expenses will be paid. Though the current directors receive no remuneration, the Trustees of the LWT will consider, if necessary, offering a remuneration package to the right candidate, which would be discussed on an individual basis. 


Following a review of submissions, the Selection Committee will invite appropriate candidates for further discussions (likely during the period 24th February to 6th March).  The Selection Committee will be neutral and members will not be directly associated with the Trustees of the LWT.

Trustees of the LWT (DVF National Executive)


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Anglijas Daugavas Vanagu fonds
‌LE17 6DF

E-mail: info@daugavasvanagi.co.uk
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